How to Prevent Pimples

In this article, I am going to share some of tips you can use and apply to your daily life on how to prevent pimples.
how to prevent pimples

A pimple is a small papule or pustule. Pimples are small skin inflammations or lesions of the skin - they are oil glands (oil glands) which happen to be infected with bacteria, bulk up, and then fill up with pus.

Here are 8 simple tips on how to prevent pimples:

1. Mix some of coconut oil and baking soda and apply it on your face for few minutes, and then clean up your face
how to prevent pimples

2. Wash your face when you woke up in the morning and night before you sleep

how to prevent pimples

3. Wash your face with warm water to keep it clean and followed by cold water to refreshened your face
4. Don't wipe your face with towel or tissue after washing it. keep your face texture wet and let it dry itself.
5. Eat 1/4 lemon every night before brushing your teeth.

how to prevent pimples

6. Avoid greasy and junk food especially french fries.
how to prevent pimples

7. Drink more water during the day
how to prevent pimples

8. Keep your hand off your face

You need to always keep your face clean during the day. For oily skin, make sure you bring some wet tissues with you.

Credit by : www.askmequestions.net

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